Sunday, May 24, 2009

Losing clarity

This blog has lost its plot for sometime now and I apologise. Post Hoc was originally intended to chronicle in restrospect my struggles while in graduate school and of course what I have been up to after getting those nominals. But for sometime now, it has turned into a photoblog. However, it is my intention to fill these pages again with topics and musings on a variety of subjects other than my passion for photography. Hence, to keep things in order, I have created a separate photoblog - Digressions in Pixels. Post Hoc will thus be dedicated as the platform for my sentiments, general take on things and on a variety of topics associated with 'my intellectual and not-so intellectual pursuits' and some mundane ramblings. The World on Paper, which I have likewise neglected, will continue as my channel for architecture and design.

I hope I am up to the task(s) and not disappoint.

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Blogger Unbalanced Reaction said...

Aw, you could never disappoint!

5:26 am  

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