Sunday, January 04, 2009

Seize the day!

Happy New Year!

Happy 2009!

It's time again for the annual 'taking stock of things' and of looking forward to what's in store for the new year. I'm sure a good number have already drawn up those ever-present lists (to do, wishlists and goals) for the year.

As for me, regardless of how 2008 was (certainly with milestones accomplished, memorable moments and likewise a fair share of lows and frustrations), in my 'annual review', I resolve to make the most of each moment 2009 will bring - armed of course with those lists of wants and goals. In looking back over the last year, I found that I've let a number of things slip by that I missed out altogether. I guess, as with everyone else, in staying focused on specific things I get this tunnel vision that more often than not I've become so oblivious to what was going on in the bigger picture.

Having focus in attaining goals does not preclude the necessity of living in the present moment. Good advice, huh? I thought so too. I heard this a few weeks ago and it's been at the back of my mind since that along with my 'lists' for the new year, I've written down a reminder to be alert and not to let opportunity pass me by - CARPE DIEM!

Have a wonderful 2009 everyone!

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