Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tour Down Under

Having missed this year's 2011 Tour Down Under in Adelaide, I wasn't able to complete my photo-chronicle of Lance Armstrong's participation in the cycling race. Armstrong's attendance in the tour has come to an end with this year as his last.

Not that I know anything about professional cycling but in 2009, I was one of those who braved the sweltering Adelaide summer for some photo opportunities. In 2010, I once again took to my favourite spot on Montefiore Hill in North Adelaide to replicate those 2009 race images.

These images of Lance Armstrong were from last year's Santos Tour Down Under:

Lance Armstrong


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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Happy New Year!

Summer dusk over Melbourne

Happy new year's greetings from Melbourne!

New year, new home city and new job! I have 'seized the day' and relocated to a new city to take on new work in research. My usual annual 'taking stock of things' and of looking forward to what's in store for the new year will take on a different flavour this time - one that I hope will be exciting and a whole new adventure.

Looking back, 2010 was certainly memorable and packed with milestones accomplished (along with a fair share of frustrations) which I have yet to chronicle bits of it here. It is convenient that this blog is 'in-hindsight' (hehehe). I hope everyone has already drawn up those usual lists (to do, wishlists and goals) to arm themselves for the year? Notwithstanding these lists, CARPE DIEM.

Have a wonderful 2011 everyone!

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